ONI Editorial
Editorial Design
Project Details:
A self initiated typographic expression editorial on the open source essay - Oni from ancient times to the present. Omnipresent in Japanese lore, common in modern manga and anime as well as medieval literature and art, Oni are demonic creatures that play varied roles, helpful as well as threatening; serve diverse purposes; and evoke multiple meanings, many of which have to do with comprehending the alien, seemingly incomprehensible world." This book serves as a guide to the Oni of Japan providing a glimpse at how the Japanese imagine their world in its relation with the outside, continually reinterpreted according to the changing of times.
ONI Editorial
Editorial Design
Self-CommisionedProject Details:
A self initiated typographic expression editorial on the open source essay - Oni from ancient times to the present. Omnipresent in Japanese lore, common in modern manga and anime as well as medieval literature and art, Oni are demonic creatures that play varied roles, helpful as well as threatening; serve diverse purposes; and evoke multiple meanings, many of which have to do with comprehending the alien, seemingly incomprehensible world." This book serves as a guide to the Oni of Japan providing a glimpse at how the Japanese imagine their world in its relation with the outside, continually reinterpreted according to the changing of times.